Sunday, July 3, 2011

Indoor 4th of July Picnic

We were all set to picnic tonight in celebration of the impending holiday, yet upon realization that it was still really, really warm and muggy outside, we moved the show back indoors.

The theme of our holiday celebration could be called sensational salads. : )

Tonight's Menu:
** Lettuce salad served with cheese, crutons, and a variety of dressings
**Caprese Salad
** Peach Fruit Salad with blueberries and grapes
** Corn on the cob
** Grilled hot dogs with toasted buns
** Zucchini cake with cream cheese frosting (courtesy of my sister-in-law)

Caprese Salad: Typically this salad is made with the ingredients whole and stacked. I personally find that challenging to eat so I chopped my tomatoes, slice my basil into slivers, and use mini mozzarella balls.

Peach Fruit Salad with fresh blueberries and grapes
Mmmm fresh corn on the cob. Bring on the butter and salt and pepper.

The beauty of this meal is that you can eat a sizable portion and not feel that heavy full feeling because every item (sans hotdogs) are light, fresh, and healthy. Yes, we have a lot of people at this table who request "very cooked" hot dogs. I was not one of them. That one right there on the top was for me; thanks hubby!

What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?  ~Lin Yutang

Always feel free to comment if you want specific recipes posted!!  I love your feedback!

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